Human body heals by laying down connective tissue (also called scar tissue). Individual healing rates may vary, but in general, connective tissue reaches 60 percent strength after four weeks. At six weeks, the strength is 80 percent, and at 12 weeks, 100 percent strength has been achieved.
After a replacement or fusion, the recovery time is between 6 and 12 months. This is because full healing of your bones can take up to 12 months. A fusion is a common part of neck surgery. Speak to your physician if you’re not certain what was done. Please note that these are only estimates. You may recover cuanto cuesta una cirugia de columna faster or slower. You should not worry if your healing is slow. Everyone heals differently.
Some cases, minimally invasive surgery may reduce pain associated with the operation and allow for more comfortable movements. It is possible that the biomechanics of spinal motion may be less disturbed. The rates of connective tissue regeneration are similar. As your pain improves, you may reduce some of the timelines.
Other medical conditions, such as diabetes, will slow down your rate of healing. These healing times are important to keep in mind as you increase your physical activity. This will help prevent future complications and maximise recovery. Don’t overdo things just because there is no pain. Reflect on your activities in the days preceding if you experience recurring symptoms of back or leg pain. Early symptoms can usually be resolved by reducing activity. Speak to your doctor or physical therapist if symptoms persist after rest.
Most people should find walking to be a suitable activity. Wear supportive footwear (e.g. Running shoes should not be worn out. During the first 2 weeks following surgery, you may require assistance to get your shoes on. Slowly increase your speed after settling into a pace that is comfortable. If possible, avoid hills at first. This table is meant to be a guideline, not a specific program. Discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your physiotherapist.
You should start swimming 10-14 days after surgery (once the injury appears to be healed). Exercise in the swimming pool can reduce the strain on joints due to buoyancy, improve cardiovascular fitness and spinal mobility, as well as strengthen muscles. Begin by gently walking on the surface of the water.
You can progress to sideways walking, backwards walking, gentle squats and sitting on the step with cycling legs, etc. You can also try standing still in the water and propelling your arms all around. Three to four weeks following your operation, you can begin 10 laps of freestyle or backstroke. Breaststroke is to be avoided during the first 3 months.
Lifting overhead or above the shoulder level should be avoided, particularly if you’ve had upper or neck back surgery. Lifting above shoulder height increases pressure on the cervical discs and attaches a few shoulders muscles to the neck, which is healing. During the first six week period, you should not hang awkward or heavy clothes on the line. During this period, you should avoid lifting pots or pans up into the overhead cabinets.