The information in this brochure applies to all individuals undergoing any kind of spinal surgery. The lower back is often discussed, but these principles will protect your upper back and neck as well. This may be suitable for back problems that do not require surgery. It is composed of intervertebral disks, muscles, nerves, and ligaments. The spine is composed of 33 vertebrae that are divided up into five sections: the cervical area (neck), the thoracic region (upper back), the lumbar region (lowerback), and the coccyx or tailbone. It is not a straight line, as the spine has natural curves that help distribute weight.
Each vertebra has a disc. They allow for movement of the vertebrae but they also absorb loads from activities like bending or lifting. The nucleus (soft centre) of each disc is cuanto cuesta una cirugia de columna surrounded by fibrous outer rings. The healthy discs have a springy and elastic feel. Degeneration (wear-and-tear) and injury (e.g. The bulge of prolapsed discs. Numerous ligaments run between vertebrae and along the spine column. The ligaments help stabilize the spine by preventing excessive movement.
Two main functions are performed by the muscles in the spine. The muscles of the spinal column are superficial and allow for movement. Deep core muscles protect and stabilize the spine. This includes your diaphragm (deep stomach muscle), pelvic floor, and multifidus muscle (deep back muscles). These muscles are less effective at stabilising your back and pelvis after an episode of back pain.
The muscles do not instantly regain strength after the pain has gone. Your spine is then more susceptible to back pain in the future. Deep stability exercises can help reduce pain and increase function while preventing further injuries. Walking or swimming won’t specifically strengthen your muscles of stability, but they will help you in the future. In hospital, these specific exercises for stability will be introduced. Your physiotherapist will use ultrasound imaging to assess your stabilization muscles and then show you increasingly challenging exercises when your contractions improve. The physiotherapists will do this in their rooms two to three week after the surgery.
The vertebral arches (lamina) form the spinal canal through which the spinal cord travels. Spinal nerves leave the spinal column via side holes (foramen), which are formed by adjacent vertebrae. Nerves transmit information from the brain to the rest of your body. The nerves transmit information between the brain and other parts of the body.
When there is not enough space to allow the nerve to leave the spinal column, (stenosis), the nerves may become inflamed or compressed. It could be caused by a disc rupture, bone changes or inflammation. Pins and needles or numbness in the legs can be caused by this. This depends on how long the pain has been there, what the person is like, and whether the back surgery was successful. The nerve pain that is experienced after back surgery can be relieved quickly, but it can also take longer to resolve if there was severe damage.