Pay your rent on time. Inquire about an auto-pay option. Ask the store manager for any additional details you may need to know before renting. Also, ensure you have read every word of your contract, so there are no surprises. Many companies will charge late fees, and the storage unit may be taken back if no payment is received within a given time.
Do you feel you are running out of space in your home or workplace? You aren’t the only one. Nearly 10% of American households rent self-storage units to manage their storage needs. You may be apprehensive about renting self-storage units. Acorn Mini Storage will guide Kansas City storage you through the process, from determining how much space you need to pack it up to organizing it once it’s in storage.
When renting storage units, it is essential to decide what you are keeping and what you will pack. It’s easy to rent a storage unit if your purpose for storage is to take space out of one room and make it more useful. You can take inventory of the contents of each room to see if they can be moved or if they need to go. You can pack multiple rooms or your entire house for a move. Make a list of all the contents in each room. Decide if they should be taken with you or put away for a while.
You don’t have to pack differently for storage than for regular moving. Use bubble wrap or packing papers to protect fragile items. You can also use pillows and blankets as cushioning. Don’t overpack heavy items such as books. Choose small boxes. Each box should be labeled with its contents. If the package ends up in a stack with others or at the bottom of a pile, write this information on each side.
When packing, note any large items that need storage, such as appliances, furniture, and lawnmowers. These items must be measured. When you shop for storage units, factor these items into the square footage. A slightly larger team may be better if you anticipate that you will need to rent it long-term or add to it in the future. It’s okay to rent just enough space if you don’t plan on adding items or need storage for a limited time (e.g., when looking for a home). You can always upgrade later to a bigger unit if required.
Take the square footage of your stacked boxes/belongings and add it to find out how much space you need. To avoid a towering pile that could cause injury or falls on your head, stack them as compactly as possible. Also, consider using shelves or pallets within the storage unit. These can be your own or rented from the facility. Make sure you consider how much space you can fit in this unit. A storage unit should have enough space to accommodate all your belongings.